Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

あだち充マンガの魅力: 優しさ. the kindness of Adachi Mitsuru

I really wish I could write this in Japanese so that I could reach some Japanese readers in which this topic may be of more interests to them. But my Japanese is really not good (ダメ) so i guess it makes more sense if I write it in Englis…

安達充 H2 manga vol. 29 隨想


安達充 H2 manga vol. 27, 28: 感想


安達充 H2 manga vol. 26: 感想

H2 這一卷很特別。安達筆下的男主角很少會發這麼大的脾氣。説脾氣,倒不如說是男人被人對準了弱點而被擊倒。劇情既有張力,也真摰的道出了男女之間很真實的問題。有些情況,人的敏感,先入為主,生氣,既想發洩又想掩飾自己。最終,大家可以了解對方多一些⋯⋯…

H2 kimi to itahibi - drama review

The more I watched the more I’m in love with it. H2 - The days with you (H2 君といた日々) is a Japanese drama of 11 episodes aired on TBS tv in 2005, an adaptation of Adachi Mitsuru’s manga “H2”. With outstanding young actors and actresses…

Adachi Mitsuru: NINE (ナイン) 1978

Adachi has created quite a number of works. For some of these works I had seen them long time ago and I can’t remember the details. so, here is just to share with you my thoughts and a little bit of their info. 1. NINE (ナイン) Genre: Roma…

あだち充 Adachi Mitsuru - his works: from 1980-present

Adachi Mitsuru is one of the most influential manga creator in Japan. Born in 1952, he debuted in the early 70s and continues with many works, that had changed the way people see and defined sports manga (manga means ‘Japanese comics’). Sp…


相信大家如果看過H2 (漫畫版)可能也有疑問,因為作者安達充,一反以往習慣,在這個故事裡營造了一些沒有直接解答,也欠間接答案的迷團,給讀者自己來解讀!安達充一向喜歡用最少對白,描畫最令人明白的畫面,給一個能打動你的表情,讓你可以完全明白他所表…

Adachi Mitsuru H2 vol.22 - most refined manga storytelling

Today to share with you my thoughts about vol. 22 of H2. (Basically the second half of the volume) A couple of scenes that I found in particular, very moving and written beautifully. To begin, let’s have a bit of background information... …

H2 和你在一起的日子 (一)

在豆瓣看看觀眾們的劇評 有很多不同的評語和感受 看得我會心微笑 感覺廷有趣的。 有個網友寫道: 「我本以为是一部热血剧,却变成了一部真实触动我内心的情感剧。比吕的温柔,果敢,雅玲的坚强,春华的温暖,英雄的阳光。不得不说这四个演员刻画这几个人物让…

あだち充マンガ セリフがない場合にも意味がわかる

今日はH2の18卷の例にしましょう 野田とひかりは, 若い比呂がどんなにカッコよくないの話をした。そんな言葉を聞いて春華ちゃんは ちょっと不安になった。 最後のコマ, ひかりちゃんの表情はどう思いますか?彼女は何を考えているの?.... 個人的には, ひか…


Vol: 12 二人のworkout 忘れもの (亮点:比呂の表情) ひかりちゃんの真似


野田くんは優しいなぁ。いつも比呂四人のそばにいて、四人の複雑の関係が良く分かる。 あだち充さんはこれから,H2の切なさを書き始まった。

Adachi Mitsuru, the magical hands (1): eyes of Hideo

From Adachi’s H2. The bottom middle panel. Look at Hideo’s pair of eyes... 嘘つきの目じゃない⁉︎ (He is lying, isn’t he?) Hideo is quite cute, he can’t even lie (at least to Hikari... but is it a good thing or bad thing?) just be yourself I…

あだち充マンガの魅力: コマの使い方

いろんなコマの使い方を探して見ます。 1. 寓言式 2. 無言的答案 3. 引人誤會的幽默 国見くん 国見さん~ 顔出せずの選手は誰? 国見くんですか? 木根(笑)

あだち充 Adachi Mitsuru H2 manga review: the first kiss

The story of Adachi’s H2 is one of the most dramatic and interesting among his other works. Koga Haruka, a high school girl with great passion in baseball, is the manager of Senkawa high school baseball team. Their ace pitcher, Kunimi Hiro…