H2 kimi to itahibi - drama review

The more I watched the more I’m in love with it. H2 - The days with you (H2 君といた日々) is a Japanese drama of 11 episodes aired on TBS tv in 2005, an adaptation of Adachi Mitsuru’s manga “H2”.

With outstanding young actors and actresses at the time, and competent directors in at least the first 2 episodes (堤幸彥,今井夏木). It is a show that brings us the passion, the drama, the sense of humour and heartwarming moments that only Adachi can deliver.


Story: ☀️☀️☀️☀️🌤

Directing: ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

Casting: ☀️☀️☀️☀️🌤

Acting: ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

Pace: ☀️☀️☀️☀️🌥


Cinema photography: ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

Rewatched value: ☀️☀️☀️☀️🌤

Adaptation success: ☀️☀️☀️☀️🌤


My favourite scene in episode 2:








In episode 2, Senkawa baseball circle had played a game against Meiwaichi highschool, they had to win in order to form a baseball team. The plot was adapted from the original manga (vol. 5 単行本). But when you see the drama, the scene has been portrayed wonderfully by the writer/director, in a different approach and beautifully.

Apart from the original plot of Noda-kun made a phone call to the school Principal, and with Yanagi confessed to his father, the drama has focused on the relationship of the team members and their joy of being able to form the club!! Yanagi’s father (actor: 雷竜太) has also being portrayed here with a smile to his son, saying: “I have a request...  give me a massage.”


I watched the drama over and over again, it is still entertaining every time. If you are a fan of Adachi, it will be a good idea to watch/read the drama and the manga at the same time. You will find out the way the directors has transformed the original story and the little things that remind you that it is Adachi’s work. You will even find the “Adachi pair” i.e, Adachi Mitsuru and his editor, running around at the background in every episode. That’s really cute and you can tell the overall production is sincerely giving us a picture of love, passion, youthfulness, and an ending that I personally think that is more complete and easier understood than the original manga. Having said that, the H2 manga will give you an exciting ride of awesome story telling and vivid character development of all major and supporting characters, that you will never forget.


(credit: pictures from H2 drama kimi to itahibi - episode 2)












Adachi Mitsuru: NINE (ナイン) 1978

Adachi has created quite a number of works. For some of these works I had seen them long time ago and I can’t remember the details. so, here is just to share with you my thoughts and a little bit of their  info.


1. NINE (ナイン)

Genre: Romantic comedy, Sports (baseball)


Let’s start with his first written work, ‘Nine’.

Nine is a baseball manga with an introduction of Adachi’s very own writing style.


It was a piece of innovative work at the time it was serialised in Monthly Shonen Sunday Zonkan (少年サンデー增刊) from 1978-1979.

According to Shimamoto Kazuhiko recalled of his reaction to Nine, he said “many people would think: this is not sports manga, does this man know what he is doing!?” And finally, the reception of Ninie were alright. It was definitely out of the norm though. 


Adachi recalled of this very first work he created. He said at the begining he wrote the first chapter of Nine in a usual shonen sports manga style. But very soon in the 2nd chapter, he realised he wished to draw something else, something that he likes to draw most. Then, Nine has became a book where Adachi style begins and developed. 


In 1985, there has been at least 42 print runs of volume 1 of Nine being sold. This shows that Adachi was very popular at that time, when ‘Miyuki’ and ‘Touch’ has already become popular.


Nine is like the “Birth” of Adachi style (出世作), it has got to back bone of Adachi story telling style, with sports, youth, love story, unspoken dialogues and a movie-like layout.


(Some pictures were taken from the book by Adachi Mitsuru: おあとがよろしいようで) 





あだち充 Adachi Mitsuru - his works: from 1980-present

Adachi Mitsuru is one of the most influential manga creator in Japan.

Born in 1952, he debuted in the early 70s and continues with many works, that had changed the way people see and defined sports manga (manga means ‘Japanese comics’).

Sports is a popular genre among Japanese Shonen manga (Shonen means boys or comics that targeted young male). Adachi’s work has create a new kind of sports manga: they are stories about coming of age of high school students who are very often engaged in a sports club. The story happens in suburban Tokyo, where everyday lives of these young people are depicted, in an overall lighthearted comedy tone with heart wrenching drama, enriched with excitement of the competition of the sports. In many occasions baseball and the Japanese high school baseball tournaments are chosen as the backdrop of he story. The story, the vissual and the script of Adachi’s story, will very often make you feel touched. The characters are wonderfully portrayed, that you can feel that they are real, that they have unique personalities and you will feel happy or sad for them. it’s almost like you had witnessed their growing-up.

Adachi is a master in love stories, he is a huge baseball fan and he has great sense of humour. He loves breaking the fourth wall and make fun of himself and his characters.

Adachi, now at his age of 66 (2018), has always been active in the industry and producing works that are outstanding and popular. He is one of the very few manga artists today that has kept his popularity since the early 80s, by continuously drawing what he likes and is good at, for almost 40 years now. His fans are of two to three generations, from teenagers to their parents, whom many of them are over 40 years of age now. 

Adachi is the first manga artist who had reached the success of having 100 million copies of comic books sold in Japan. (and not to mention the many foreign language versions of his works sold in other countries). Adachi is also the first person reached the record of having 200 million copies sold. He was awarded with Shogakukan Manga Awards in year 1982 (Touch), and 2008 (Cross Game).

Adachi, a manga artist with a very unique writing style and being highly praised as a ‘true story teller’, that many would probably agree, that not even 1 person can imitate what he does, in Japan, a country where there are thousands and thousands of Manga artists succeeded. Internationally, he is popular among countries where his works are officially translated and published. For example, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, French, and Italian. However, there are very limited work of Adachi available in English. The only ones published are his short series: Short program, and his long series: Cross Game.









相信大家如果看過H2 (漫畫版)可能也有疑問,因為作者安達充,一反以往習慣,在這個故事裡營造了一些沒有直接解答,也欠間接答案的迷團,給讀者自己來解讀!安達充一向喜歡用最少對白,描畫最令人明白的畫面,給一個能打動你的表情,讓你可以完全明白他所表達的。就算沒有半句表示,也會藉其他人物,和分鏡等等,營造一種明示或暗示的氣氛,務必讓讀者知饒「答案」。但在H2的結局篇裡,有好些地方要大家去想 ”為什麼!!!!?”  




H2其實是兩對主角的名字英文均有H字母開首:比呂(Hiro) , 英雄 Hideo,雅玲 Hikari 和 春華 Haruka。未看完H2漫畫版而有興趣看的朋友 請先去看!因為你對此作的第一反應和細閲後的感覺,很可能就是作者本人最期待的。他可能在寫比呂四人感情的同時,希望你也能感受他們的感受!事實上讀者間也有雙對性或不同的評價,而年輕的讀者若喜歡女主角一,往往就難以喜歡女主角二,兩極派系化至今仍然不變!甚至讀者間對故事結局的解悉也有兩三個版本!對我而言最有趣的,就是在不同年齡翻閲,也會有不同的體會,對各個角色的欣賞和包容都會有改變。這也是安達充作品受歡迎的其中原因。盼望大家可細心欣賞這部安達充的心血之作!






(一) 春華,最終會和比呂在一起嗎??





最先出場的女孩是誰? 對,是雅令,比呂的青梅足馬,住在隔壁不遠處的美麗女孩。她是好兄弟英雄的女友。



譯成:我開始翻開那一頁 (I started turning over that page...)  



加了一句 ’ーとさ’ ,句子意義便頓變作另一種意思:

“そのページをめくり始めるので会った   ーとさ”

譯作:我正要翻過這頁...(I was about to turn over the page) ⋯  然後迎來一條從天而降的運動褲子。










即使雅令一直都在 ...


在H2 雅令的戲份也特別重,我認為是因為她對比呂而言,是他最重要的女孩,佔據了當時十五歳的他成長記憶的全部。








其實日後怎樣,作者沒有明說,但給人的印象卻有很多種。在結尾的比賽中及比賽完結的時候,我有種感覺春華是被作者刻意地隱藏的。我自己最心痛的是,比呂最後投的球,內心想着的是雅令,一分一秒,她從小學到初中,到高中,到現在,她都在他的心深處。安達充以往是以這種表現手法來給大家知,男主角心𥚃的第一位置是她。(例如 另一作品中的男主角大和圭介,他與愛川秀那個臭小子競泳的時候,在水中最疲累最需要力量的一刻,心中便閃出亜美的影子)。但在H2,這完全不一様,是痛苦的,不甜蜜的。大概比呂是真的深愛雅令。作者此刻倒似刻意隱藏着春華,而着墨描寫比呂,要從他的角度和心情來述説他的內心世界,要讓讀者體會那份無奈和痛。











比呂心裡盡都是她。 雅玲,和剛去世的雨宮姨姨對他都同樣重要,亦很需要她們為自己打氣。比呂或許想不負雅玲媽媽的期望,便一下子全力投球,甚至連要留力和英雄對決等等戰略都不理了。比呂,在此刻是不再想贏比賽了嗎?因為誰輸掉了,誰便最有機會被她重新再選擇。比呂彷似要把和雅玲的感情交給上天來決定!野田作為彼此的摯友,當他見証着兩個自己最好的朋友決鬪時,他內心感受又如何呢?這的確是劇力迫人的最終章!









到了故事的終結,兩好友的對決,迎來另一個最後告別⋯  比呂贏了與英雄的比賽,卻輸掉心中最愛的雅玲。






那個三振取勝了英雄後的清晨時分,比呂獨自一人在洗手間望住鏡中的自己。寧靜中,水喉的水滴聲也彷佛被聽到 ... 


原來,春華也比平常早起... 不知道是否也睡不好







‘ 飛了往(美國棒球)大聯盟吧?’





















Adachi Mitsuru H2 vol.22 - most refined manga storytelling

Today to share with you my thoughts about vol. 22 of H2. (Basically the second half of the volume) A couple of scenes that I found in particular, very moving and written beautifully.

To begin, let’s have a bit of background information...

*****Spoiler Alert*****


Hiro was unable to sleep that night after the Koshien match when he hurt his foot. He went to sit by the sea shore. Hikari, was unable to sleep too, saw him there and she approached him. They spent the time together, and Hiro was comforted by Hikari, they were there until very early morning. Haruka woked up very early, on her bike she searched for Hiro. She found him. In a distance...Haruka saw the two together, she returned back to the hotel quietly. 

Back to Tokyo. One day, Kine-kun skipped his baseball practice, Noda and Haruka went to see him. Kine asked casually, whether he is able to have a date with Haruka, and surprisingly, Haruka said ‘yes’ and then they went out together. Noda, noticed something went wrong but not sure exactly what happened, asked Hiro:



Hiro now realised what had happened,



and he figured out why Haruka has tears in her eyes while fallen asleep, when they were on the train on the way back to Tokyo after the game.


Haruka, during their ‘date’ she suddenly remembered her conversation with Hideo the other day, and she would like to see his batting. So she asked Kine to bring her to Meiwaichi high school. When they arrived, Hideo had just finished practice and was held up with press interview...


While totally bored with the interviewers, Hideo saw Haruka.


Hideo smiled.


(I like the way Adachi didn’t show us Hideo’ facial expression, but it was described by the director saying ‘yes yes, Just stay like that’. I think quite unique, even though Adachi had use many of this similar technique before, this one is quite special.)


Lastly, these few panels below shows the 2 boys and 2 girls with different characters and mood, interacting with each other in only 1 to 2 pages... I found this quite amazing. It tells so much.



Hideo is a sweet gentleman... he hit a ball for Haruka.


He has done what he can to cheer her up.



This is my thoughts about this chapter. The next chapter, is even more drama-intense and interesting!


H2 和你在一起的日子 (一)


在豆瓣看看觀眾們的劇評 有很多不同的評語和感受 看得我會心微笑 感覺廷有趣的。





日劇迷, 安達充原著的fans, 山田孝之fans, 野球漫畫fans, 導演堤幸彥fans 等等。

正因爲這個原因,有很多不同的人有不同的觀感。也有人自此成為日劇迷,更迷山田熊貓,又或者因為看過原著而感到失望,或者覺得太多愛情,也有很多人覺得還可以或不錯的 等等...


我是因為是個安達充迷而看H2漫畫。可是,當時我已開始進入了對安達充不冷也不熱的時期。對他的漫畫,買來看,但不久便光光放在書架上忘了,最後亦不怎麼在意地漸漸沒有再買下這部漫畫結尾的十數本單行本。當年我年少看H2的国見比呂 覺得他總在糾結雅令 看得我對他開始不喜歡 而我亦總是喜歡不了雅令。










あだち充マンガ セリフがない場合にも意味がわかる



野田とひかりは, 若い比呂がどんなにカッコよくないの話をした。そんな言葉を聞いて春華ちゃんは ちょっと不安になった。

最後のコマ, ひかりちゃんの表情はどう思いますか?彼女は何を考えているの?....

個人的には, ひかりが春華が良い女の子だと感じで自分はそんな言葉が素直に出さないだと思う。ひかりは彼女が戦いを失うと感じる…


p.s 日本語で良く書かないので 失礼します。may be I should write in English or Chinese instead ^_^